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Test Headings

Test Headings

H1 – fs:70px/lh:76px/#2f3327 – What you want from organic cosmetics?

H2 – fs:38px/lh:45px/#2f3327  –   What you want from organic cosmeticsWhat you want from organic cosmetics?

H3   – fs:30px/lh:36px/#2f3327 –   What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics?

H4   – fs:23px/lh:29px/#2f3327–   What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics?

H5 – fs:17px/lh:21px/#2f3327 – What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics?
H6   – fs:16px/lh:26px/#80827e –  What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics?

Paragraph    –  fs:14px/lh:23px/ #80827e –  What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics. What you want from organic cosmetics?


 –   Quentin / regular/ #93a286
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