The scientific name of the plant is Mentha piperita.
It originates from Asia and the Mediterranean region.
It belongs to the Lamiaceae family and there are about 26 species of mint.
It is a perennial plant, herbaceous and aromatic herb. It has characteristic square stems with wrinkled, lanceolate leaves and small pink or white flowers that bloom in mid-summer.
Its cultivation and maintenance are very easy, as the plant multiplies very quickly, through underground rhizomes.
It needs rich, moist soil and plenty of sun to grow. It can thrive in a variety of climates and soils.Excellent growth temperature is 17 ° C.
The collection of its leaves must be done during the maturation of the plant.

As an infusion, is commonly used due to rejuvenating properties and the feeling of freshness that gives and moisturizes.
In cosmetology we find it in products for dental health, such as toothpastes.
Mint seems to stimulate and help reduce muscle and joint pain, which is why it is used in body oils for massage.
It is good to avoid mint when:
- there is a stomach ulcer
- during breastfeeding, as there is some evidence that appears to contribute to cessation of breast milk production
- in cases of gastric hypersecretion, gastroesophageal reflux or septal hernia
- in cases of gallstones
Mint is used as a flavoring in mustard, candies and other foods.
Mint leaves contain various essential oils, such as menthol, menthone and limonene, substances that give the plant its cooling properties and recognizable scent.
Helps in digestive disorders
May ease headaches and migraines
It can fight bacterial infections